Skin Talks

Skin Talks

The Stress.

The vulva is subject to a range of skin problems, many of them inadvertently self-inflicted.


You may routinely pamper your face and work hard to keep it moisturized and irritation-free, but what have you done lately for the more sensitive skin of your vulva, the external genital area surrounding your vagina?

Itch equals yeast infection?

Many women have been primed to think no further than "itch equals yeast infection", but factors like age, menopause, and hormonal changes, make women more prone to a variety of conditions that irritate vulvar skin.


These conditions aren't getting the attention they need and, most importantly, women aren't getting the relief they DESERVE!

Learn about how Vaginesse™ can provide relief with:

Many things can cause an allergic reaction or irritate vulvar skin.


Soap, bubble baths and salts, detergent, shampoo, conditioner

Adult or baby wipes

  • Panty liners and their adhesives
  • Nylon underwear, chemically treated clothing
  • Vaginal secretions, sweat, and urine
  • Douches
  • Yogurt
  • Spermicides, lubricants
  • Perfume, talcum powder, deodorants
  • Alcohol and astringents
  • Shaving
  • Waxing / Sugaring
  • Laser Hair Removal

Keeping your skin healthy, clean, and moisturized can avoid these allergic and irritating reactions.


Using our Vaginesse™ Intimate Wash and Hydrating Cream daily can maintain your vulva skin in optimum health. For on-the-go pampering try our Vaginesse™ Intimate Towelettes.

Ingrown hairs.

An ingrown hair bump is an uncooperative hair that grows back into the skin instead of up and out of the skin’s surface.


Ingrown hairs often pop up in areas where you eliminate skin hair by shaving, waxing, sugaring, laser removal or plucking.


Ingrown hairs often look like red and irritated bumps, and if infected, they can turn into
pus-filled bumps called pustules (yuck!).


The easiest way to prevent ingrowns is to not shave, wax, or remove hair, however, for many of us, giving up pubic hair removal is non-negotiable.


In most cases, the ingrown hair will disappear on its own, but you can help prevent ingrown hairs with our daily health routine with Vaginesse™ Intimate Wash and Hydrating Cream. And to stay fresh on the go, you can always carry your Vaginesse™ Intimate Towelettes.


When it comes to grooming down there, your choice is the best choice! Choose whatever makes you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.

pH Balance.

Let’s get a bit technical. pH stands for potential (p) of hydrogen (H). pH measures how acidic or alkaline different things are and include everything from your skin to water-based beauty products.


pH is measured on a scale ranging from 1 to 14, 1 being strongly acidic, 14 being strongly alkaline, and 7 being neutral.


The pH balance for women refers to the pH of our vulva (external skin outside the vagina) and vagina (internal canal). A “normal” vulva pH level is between 3.8 and 4.5, but can vary depending on your stage of womanhood.


Well… A higher pH can cause dryness, itchiness, or increase the growth of bad bacteria, and we do not like that.


To keep things in check, opt for a vulva-friendly probiotic wash with clean and healthy ingredients like our Vaginesse™ Intimate Wash.

Female anatomy 101.

The vulva consists of several layers that cover and protect the sexual organs and urinary opening.


The fleshy outer lips of the vulva — the labia majora (or outer labia) — are covered with pubic hair and contain fat that helps cushion the area.


Inside the labia majora are the thinner, more pigmented, and delicate flaps of skin called the labia minora.


The labia minora (or inner labia) joins at the top to enclose the clitoris. The area between the labia minora, the vestibule, contains the openings to the urethra and the vagina.

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